"There are moments in our lives, there are moments in a
day, when we seem to see beyond the usual. Such are the moments of our greatest happiness. Such are the moments of our greatest
wisdom. If one could but recall his vision by some sort of sign. It was in this hope that the arts were invented. Sign posts
on the way to what may be. Sign posts toward greater knowledge."
Robert Henri
The Art Spirit
"Of one thing I am certain, that the fine draftsman perceives things invisible to me and that were invisible
to him before he became a fine draftsman. Learning to draw and paint is, more than anything else, a sharpening of certain
perceptions, though it is also many other things besides."
H. Ives Gammell Twilight of Painting
"Painting is the science of seeing, and the thing to look for is the visual truth of the material before you.
The important thing to remember is that impressionism is a way of seeing; it isn't a technique. It doesn't mean working with
complementary colors or painting with little dots and dashes."

pastels, 14 X 17 inches
17 inches, Pastels, $1400.00
click picture to enlarge

11 X 8.5 inches, pencil on paper NFS