Rudolf Steiner (1861 - 1925) called his spiritual philosophy 'anthroposophy', which can be understood as 'wisdom
of the human being'. As a highly developed seer, he based his work on direct knowledge and perception of spiritual dimensions.
He initiated a modern and universal 'science of the spirit', accessible to anybody willing to exercise clear and unprejudiced
thinking. From his spiritual investigations, Steiner provided suggestions for the renewal of many activities, including
education - both general and special - agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, philosophy, religion and the
arts. Today there are literally thousands of schools, clinics, farms, and other organizations doing practical work based on
his principles. His many published works (writings and lectures) also feature his research into the spiritual nature of
the human being, the evolution of the world and humanity, and methods of personal development. Rudolf Steiner wrote some 30
books and delivered over 6,000 lectures across Europe. In 1924 he founded the General Anthroposophical Society, which today
has branches throughout the world.