I am affiliated with Jadite Gallery in New York City, Cooper Gallery in Jersey City, the Visual Arts League
in New Brunswick, and the Indianapolis Museum of Arts Alliance Gallery. My paintings have been exhibited in galleries and
non-profit spaces in Chicago, New York City, Washington, D.C., Virginia, Puerto Rico, and throughout New Jersey. I'm a
past President of the Artist League of Central New Jersey, a founding member of the Visual Arts League of New Jersey, and
have been featured in the Art Goes Public program of Middlesex County, demonstrating oil painting techniques in many public
locations. I studied Veil Painting with Ted Mahle at Rudolf Steiner College in Fair Oaks, CA. I was a long time student
of oil painting and impressionist color studying with; Cedric Egeli at the Cape Cod School of Art, Richard V. Goetz, both
privately and at The Art Students League of New York, and Richard Antholz at the National Academy in NYC. I credit Bill Weltman,
the best drawing teacher in New York City, for helping me tremendously in learning to draw from imagination. Currently I'm
teaching adults in the Arcturus, Rudolf Steiner Education Program and I am the high school fine arts instructor at the Chicago
Waldorf School. I have a Master's degree in Education from Antioch New England Graduate School, a Certificate in Waldorf
Education from ANE GS, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (1976) from Layton School of Art and Design in Milwaukee , Wisconsin
(now Milwaukee Institue of Art and Design).
The Chicago Waldorf School
Visual Arts League
Antioch NE Graduate School
Art Students' League of New York
Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design